To the Adventure ahead....

Have you ever had the feeling of being with other angels in whatever you may be doing, or wherever you may be going?

A relaxing afternoon with Norah Jones... Coffee, Mia, My Ken a good book and Imagination that makes everything possible. To retreat into ones inner sanctuary is each persons unique right and gift from God. The physical world may be limited in so many ways .... this the point-dial on the clock that let's Peter Pan take you by the hand and fly you off to a magical world of Yerushalem, where everything is perfect and child like. 

The Fields of Flowers, The Orchards filled with blossoms, The Most beautiful Sunrise and Sunsets. The imagination can make happy out of no reason... just the gifts in the spiritual realm... 

Can we meet our loved ones with the use of our imagination... the answer is yes... the good feelings and good energy travel like light... anything good you think or do travels through space to where it needs to land...

To angels, to all those seeking God and a bit of Joy.. Know first that Kingdom of God is within you and all around you...the KEY is still...your own heart holds the key to your own inner Kingdom. You already are King or Queen of Your own inner have your own key.. you just didn't know it...

In Spirit of Truth... God is Love, Joy, Kindness, Gentleness, Beauty, Harmony, Creation of Good in all areas of our existence ... God is Love.

Be a God is the parent.. the real parent.. Parent of all Parents, of all churches, of all faiths. God and Good is it...

off to play... :o)


hugs and kisses


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