The main ideas of matrix movie

The Main Idea of Matrix Movie … the Virtual / Spirit World .. (like earth is .. just heaven has no glitches or anything bad .. perfect existance..)

This is what I have been writing for last few years especially when I stepped out of the ‘physical’. The angelic realm. Right? I may write a book .. as an extended version of what to expect in heaven.. and more. Believe me. Now for each one of you who is like me .. are you ready to step into your own version of the angelic realm. 

If you are .. you will get your wings and the adventure begins. 

Keanu is in it already. Not in matrix but in the garden rather. 🤓❤️🪽 🛁

Hugs everyone.. 

I saw the movie 3 times so many years ago .. 

now I know why and what relevance or what connection it had with myself ..

The heaven … the state of being without an earthly body.  Some hate the idea of it and some live it and love it. 

I’d be one of these people. However the world I go into is not a white space, it’s heaven. The best of this world without any glitches. Literally heaven. The power of the spirit. 

All those connected to me and who are part of the angelic realm will know it and feel it. 

Now I better get back to writing because it’s exactly what makes me happy .. (my home heaven, god, angels and angels in the making)  ❤️🪽🤓🌌🥰 now you will understand even more ..❤️🪽 I give you wings ❤️🪽🛁


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